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Welcome to Feeling Greater About Data, a short book about data for non-data people. In it you'll discover how to interpret management and performance information that your data analysts give you. It moves on to talking about the difference between performance and management information and ends by looking at how the information is produced and the people involved.
This is intended to be an easy-to-read, non-academic text aimed at people who want an introduction without having to get involved in data analysis techniques. We hope you find it useful - as the saying goes, tell us if it isn't good and tell everyone else if it is!
Exceptionally well done book. It was easy to read and follow along with the charts. Thank you for dissecting KPIs, KPCIs and all the other data lingo. I hear so much about them from Management. But they never sit down and break it down for staff when things are not adding up in reports. (...) This book would be a definite asset for staff to understand the significance and importance of timely data reporting.
Anonymous - Social Work Leader

Silly Section - this section is just for fun. Enjoy
As in every field, your data analyst uses some very specific phrases - here's a gadget to help you decode what they're saying. 😀